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"Erica Jacknin has the amazing ability to focus totally on helping her clients (and their families) without dictating or trying to shape those needs in any way. Meaning that she is beautifully attuned to letting people become the best "them," they can be. She is a guide, not a fixer, and a completely ego free, empathetic resource. Plus, Erica is there for your entire well being. She is there to search for answers with you in a safe, caring space full of art and compassion. I cannot envision anyone who would not find peace of mind and body in her care."  B.T.
"You have been so much more than a yoga instructor to all of us. You've created a community of support and kindness and compassion. Your Yin classes got me through some of the roughest weeks of a recent life transition. You probably didn't know how big of an impact you had on me. You have a unique gift that I have yet to see in anyone else."  – B. W.


"Erica Jackin offers an intuitive mix of art and play therapy that helped our 8-year-old daughter resolve social and emotional issues while building strategies for the future. And it was fun, too!"  - J.A.
"For Erica Jacknin, yoga meditation is a never-ending quest. Despite her expertise, she is constantly searching for wisdom from the masters and sharing it with others. I am lucky to have her as my teacher."  - D.A.
"When my mother died suddenly and unexpectedly, I did not feel I could go on as the world around me expected.  Erica offered such comfort and wisdom in art, yoga, and breathing therapy that I continue to use and reflect upon.  Although I still struggle with this unique and precious lost connection to my mom, I do see that I have strategies to help myself move through the mountain of grief."   -T.J.



"Even though I can't put it into words, if I had some kind of problem, and I was kind of sad, Erica made me feel so much happier.  We solved any problems I had with art, figurines, and occasionally yoga." (elementary school aged child)  - S.J.





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